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Thursday, 12 December 2013

Lukuvi Says No Record of Pledges Made Since Mwalimu Nyerere

Dodoma — NO record has been kept to show the number of presidential 
pledges which have been fulfilled since founding president, Mwalimu Julius Nyerere.
Responding to Tanga Urban legislator, Omar Nundu, who wanted to know
 how many pledges have been made by respective sitting presidents since
 independence in 1961, the Minister of State in the Prime Minister's Office
 responsible for Policy, Coordination and Parliament, William Lukuvi, said no
 such records existed.
Mr Nundu further wanted to know what percentage of the promises had been
 fulfilled over the years. Mr Lukuvi said many presidential promises were
 included in national budgets and implemented although some were
 by succeeding presidents.
"For example, the first president had promised to build a bridge over the
 Rufuji river, but due to insufficient funds the bridge was built by the third
 phase president and while the second phase president promised to build
 Kigamboni bridge it is actually being built now," Mr Lukuvi noted.
He emphasised that implementation of promises made by presidents was
 part of government development projects and were funded by national budgets.
Meanwhile, there are no records to show that President Jakaya Kikwete 
promised to change Mbinga Day Secondary School into a teacher training
Responding to questions asked by Mbinga East legislator (CCM), Gaudence
 Kayombo, who inquired into reasons behind the Ministry of Education and 
Vocational Training's failure to honour President Kikwete's promise, the
 Minister for Education and Vocational Training, Dr Shukuru Kawambwa, 
said no such record had been found.
Dr Kawambwa said after receiving the request from Mr Kayombo, he liaised
 with the State House to establish the authenticity of such a claim but found no
 evidence on record to justify it.
"In 1994, th

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